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website updates in progress — thank you for your patience!

waxing Treatments
Brow | $15
Brow Wax and Trim | $20
Upper Lip | $12
Chin | $20
Nose (inner) | $12
Ear (inner) | $12
Face Sides | $20
Full Face (*except face sides) | $40
Neck | $15
Upper body
Underarm | $22
Shoulder Blades | $32
Upper or Lower Arm | $25
Hands | $10
Chest | $35
Full Back | $45-$60
Stomach | $25
lower body
Brazilian Bikini | $60
Regular Bikini | $40
French Bikini | $35
Upper leg | $40
Lower Leg | $40
Full Leg | $80
Toes | $12
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